Sunday, June 27, 2010

What is your intention?

I.  What is my intention?
I have had several people to pose this question to me. One of my first thoughts is, what is my motive? as if sinister. Then I thought what do I want from you might be the answer.  But, my friends it is deeper, much deeper than this. You are never going to get anything if you do not know what "it" is!
In my readings I have found that successful people know what they are headed for; how they might get there is changed as need be, but the goal is in the crosshairs.
When I mentioned this to my husband he said he never really thought about being a dentist, but that dentistry would be a mechanism by which he could get the things he wanted in life.
I have never really thought about my intent.  I guess it gets back to the next point,

II.  Do I have clarity in my life?
Well, frankly I didn't in the past. I just rolled along with the profession, the husband, the child, my friends and did not have to have a script for it was pretty well written for me. Now that most of my life is behind me, things are crystal clear.  I have had it all mixed up. I did not know I was responsible or could control my destiny.
I do not mean to skip over this one lightly, but I have not conquered this yet.

III.  Another big question: " Are you # 1 on the list? : of folks to care about? to listen to? to please?" Heaven forbid, that would be selfish to think of myself first in health, food intake, beautification, rest...
But I am here to tell you that Jesus even knew us when he said "to love they neighbor as thyself". so, I guess we really are supposed be concerned about "numero uno".
(The girl is the photo was called Number One; anyone remember the series that held this character? Touted to be the most intellectual on the ship.)

Finger pointing on this that should be back on ourselves and make sure that it for the good of others that we prepare  for service in whatever our walk of life may be.

There is a new morale mantra that is permeating our culture.  And this is good.  My generation was  concerned with saving what our parents did and beat them in income. My goal was $40K by age 40; I did it and it was a feat for that point in time. Cannot imagine what the goal is know
The next generation wished for it and this generation is spending it.
I think I shall teach William to be self-sufficient.  Make his own candles, build a fire, cook out of doors,  use a can opener, you know, the critical stuff.
I do believe though that the answer to these questions will come very easily if you are pure in motive.  any one who is trying to cheat his neighbor, be crooked in business, deceive by intent will surely not have satisfaction to these questions.
But first, you have to ask , "do you know yourself"?
I surely found out that is a very tough series of thoughts.
Still working on it.

Pieces are coming together. Stick with me... sign up to follow as I dig deeper into this life altering series.

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