Monday, May 17, 2010

MOSAICS- how abstract shapes make up a whole!

Title of the new version of pieces of my thinking to share with you is called MOSAICS.  We all are made up of little bits and pieces of experiences, happys, sads, good stuff, bad stuff, wish I had of, why didn't I?
I heard a song by an smokey-voiced artist who is coming to Spoleto. The two liner that caught me was  " let me in ; or let me go!"
That is how I feel about a lot of stuff.  It is sort of an "in" or "out" .
Love it or leave it.  If you do not feel passionate about something, do not let it clog your mind or sap you of your good thoughts and thus get it off your mental plate.
There are a lot of little abstract thoughts and happenings that make up the whole being.  I will share with you some profound discoveries that have passed through my life that just might help you over a hurdle.
It is said that no man should be an island unto himself.  So, seek out the wisdom of your elders and make new mistakes, not ones that have already been tried and a result is known. Sometimes the situation in life is that folks who have had experiences never open up thus you never get the advantages of their wisdom.  My husband is like that.  He is so full of good stuff, but he is a slammed up tight, like a clam, kind of guy.  Every once in a while he will let go with something profound.  When he does, I will share it.
For instance, he finished a book this afternoon on the battles during WW-I.  He had a furled brow and said, " a lot of men were killed in those battles".  He said ,"if the USA had not been there to help, the French and English might still be throwing rocks at each other! "Think about the ramifications of that.
Also, think about would life be if the Knights of Malta had not stopped the Muslim ships through the Straits? We would all be a different color for sure!
The image to the right is globe on my piano that has all the continents and countries in different semi-precious stones.  This is Africa.  Look on the lower left and the green jade is Namibia with Tiger jasper making up South Africa.  These two countries are part of my mosaic.
What are your abstract pieces?

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